Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
This week’s podcast looks at the booming market for companies listing in the US, the key points to consider when investing in overseas-listed shares, how a new service lets you see when investment trusts pay dividends, and why a new reports thinks we shouldn’t work full time until we’re 40.
AJ Bell’s Personal Finance Analyst Laura Suter and Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth are joined this week by Annabel Brodie-Smith, communications director at the Association of Investment Companies.
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
The podcast this week discusses the best ways to manage your money on holiday, the difference between an ETF and a tracker fund, how cracks are appearing in Google’s efforts to compete with Amazon, and why 1p and 2p coins will be sticking around for a bit longer.
AJ Bell’s Personal Finance Analyst Laura Suter and Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth are joined this week by Steven Frazer, Shares’ News Editor.
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
This week’s podcast looks at a new mortgage product which lets you withdraw cash, why Monzo is planning to offer investment products, the implications of living longer on your retirement plans, and why a growing number of companies are feeling the heat from the UK competition authority.
Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth and AJ Bell’s Senior Analyst Tom Selby are joined this week by Financial Times journalist Kate Beioley
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
This week’s podcast talks about the knock-on effects of a distracted Government on various money-related initiatives, and why it is hard to find out exactly what’s in an investment fund’s portfolio. We also talk about the real cost of taking money out of your pension and the latest trends in the leisure sector affecting pubs, restaurants, bowling companies and cinemas.
Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth and AJ Bell’s Senior Analyst Tom Selby are joined this week by Freelance Journalist Holly Black.
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
This week we look at Saga’s loyalty problem and why pension issues are driving doctors to early retirement. We also discuss the resurgence in gold demand and dive into the world of conglomerates where large companies own businesses that don’t seem to fit well together.
Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth and AJ Bell’s Personal Finance Analyst Laura Suter are joined this week by Sam Brodbeck, Deputy Personal Finance Editor at The Telegraph.
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
This week’s podcast looks at the latest twist in Superdry’s boardroom drama and how stock markets and industry sectors have performed in the first three months of the year. We also discuss why fraud victims are being let down and explain why Lyft’s IPO has angered some people as new investors don’t have the same voting rights as the founders.
AJ Bell’s Personal Finance Analyst, Laura Suter and Shares’ Editor, Daniel Coatsworth are joined this week by Steven Frazer, News Editor at Shares.
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
This week’s podcast is dedicated to using an ISA. We discuss why many people are holding off from investing at present. Learn about the pros and cons of using the Innovative Finance ISA and why high rates comes with a big warning sign. We also chat about Lifetime ISAs and how much risk you may want to take with children’s savings. Finally, don’t miss this week’s quiz on all things ISA-related.
AJ Bell’s Personal Finance Analyst Laura Suter and Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth are joined this week by AJ Bell’s Senior Analyst Tom Selby.
We discuss Lifetime ISAs, so please remember that you may miss out on employer contributions if you opt out of a workplace pension to save into Lifetime ISA. It may also affect your future entitlement to mean-tested benefits.
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
This week we explain why star fund manager Neil Woodford has been shifting things around, we explain why Norway’s oil investment decisions are part of a broader environment, social and governance trend, learn how to donate shares to charity and discover why we’re shunning envelopes in favour of popcorn (and how that relates to money).
Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth and AJ Bell’s Personal Finance Analyst Laura Suter are joined this week by AJ Bell head of active portfolios Ryan Hughes.
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
This week’s podcast explains how saving as little as £78 a month can make you a millionaire, the comedy excuses that companies give for poor results and whether you should take your tax-free pension cash now or wait until later. There is also a bonus quiz to test your knowledge on state pensions.
AJ Bell’s Personal Finance Analyst Laura Suter and Shares’ Editor Daniel Coatsworth are joined this week by AJ Bell’s Senior Analyst Tom Selby.